Monday, March 8, 2021

Answers to Quiz 8 on Scrooge (1970), Starring Albert Finney

  1.  Who plays what musical instrument(s), at Fezziwig's Christmas Ball, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

A man plays a violin.

 2.  In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, Mr. Fezziwig and his guests play a game similar to running a gauntlet, in which the people on two, opposite sides of the dance floor try to catch whoever is running the gauntlet before they can run from one end of the ballroom to the other, between them. Who makes it, and who gets caught?

Mr. Fezziwig is caught, but his daughter, Isabel, makes it.

 3.  How many brothers does the Ghost of Christmas Present tell Scrooge that he has, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?


 4.  When Scrooge asks the Ghost of Christmas Present how many brothers he has, the ghost answers his question with a question, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol; what does he ask Scrooge, and what does Scrooge tell him?

The Ghost of Christmas Present asks Scrooge what year it is; Scrooge tells him that it's 1860.

 5.  What song does the Ghost of Christmas Present teach Scrooge to sing, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

"I Like Life!"

 6.  What song does Tiny Tim sing, on Christmas Day, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

"The Beautiful Day."

 7.  What type of bird does Bob Cratchit buy for Christmas dinner, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?


 8.  According to Mrs. Cratchit, how much does Scrooge pay her husband per week and per hour, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Fifteen Shillings per week, or three Pence per day.

 9.  Based on the answer to Question 8, above, how many hours per week does Bob work, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Sixty hours per week. In England, in 1860, a Shilling was equivalent to twelve Pence. Twelve times fifteen is 180; 180 divided by three is sixty. He may have worked ten hours a day, six days a week, or fifteen hours five days a week. Or eight hours a day, Monday through Saturday, and six hours on Sunday.

10.  According to Mrs. Cratchit, how many years has her husband worked for Scrooge, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Eight years.

Quiz and Answers by William Mortensen Vaughan

Answers to Quiz 7 on Scrooge (1970), Starring Albert Finney

  1.  What does Scrooge see, after entering the building in which his living quarters are located, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

A ghostly coach-and-two.

 2.  Instead of gruel, what does Scrooge have for supper, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

The pea soup that Tom Jenkins gave him.

 3.  What happens right before Marley arrives at Scrooge's door, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Scrooge's candle is extinguished, as if by an unseen hand.

 4.  At what times does Marley sat that the other three ghosts will visit Scrooge, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

The first, "tonight, when the bell tolls one"; the second, "at two-o'-clock"; the third, "when the bell tolls three."

 5.  What is the first name of "the Belle," in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?


 6.  What is, presumably, the maiden name of "the Belle," in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Fezziwig; she is Mr. Fezziwig's daughter.

 7.  What competetive sport does Scrooge indulge in, with "the Belle," in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?


 8.  In what two types of conveyances does Scrooge transport "the Belle," in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

A row-boat and a horse-drawn carriage.

 9.  What song to the Fezziwigs and their guests sing at their Christmas Ball, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

"December the 25th."

10.  What song does Scrooge recognize, at Fred's Christmas party, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, when an instrumental version of it is played?

"December the 25th."

Quiz by William Mortensen Vaughan

Answers to Quiz 6 on Scrooge (1970), Starring Albert Finney

  1.  What does the soup seller ask Scrooge for, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Two extra weeks to pay his debt to Scrooge.

 2.  How much extra time does Scrooge give the soup seller, to pay his debt, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

One extra week.

 3.  How much money does the soup seller owe Scrooge give, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

The amount is not specified; whatever the amount is, Scrooge agrees to postpone collecting it for a week, in exchange for a serving of soup, every night, for a year.

 4.  In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, a woman's voice is heard, as Scrooge approaches the soup seller to collect his debt; what does the woman offer?

"Sweet lavender!"

 5.  What is unusual about Scrooge's door knocker, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

It whispers Scrooge's name, "Scrooooge!"

 6.  What does Scrooge hear, when a cloud of smoke suddenly pours out of his fireplace, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

He hears Marley calling his name, "Scrooooge!"

 7.  What does Scrooge do, when he hears Marley approaching, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

He fastens the bolts on the door to his chambers.

 8.  How does Marley enter Scrooge's chambers, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

As if by telekinesis, the bolts are drawn, and the key is turned in the lock; then the door opens, and he walks through it as if he were a mortal man.

 9.  When Scrooge tells Marley to sit down, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, what does Marley do?

He gestures toward an easy chair, causing it to slide toward him, as if by telekinesis; then he sits beside it, as if on an invisible chair.

10.  What is unusual about the way that Marley shows Scrooge other ghosts, outside, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Marley wraps the end of his chain around Scrooge's right wrist, then takes his arms, and flies with him through the window, which opens by itself, as if by telekinesis.

Quiz and Answers by William Mortensen Vaughan

Answers to Quiz 5 on Scrooge (1970), Starring Albert Finney

  1.  How much extra money does Scrooge say he will collect from a pair of ladies, "next week," in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Twelve Shillings, in addition to the two Pounds, five Shillings they owe him.

 2.  By what name and title does the Ghost of Christmas Present refer to Bob, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Robert Cratchit, Esquire.

 3.  What is the name of the puppet master, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Mr. Miller.

 4.  How much money does Scrooge attempt to collect from the puppet master, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Two Pounds, seven Shillings, six Pence.

 5.  How much money does Scrooge intend to collect from the puppet master, on Christmas Day, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Two Pounds, ten Shillings.

 6.  What do street urchins steal from Scrooge, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

His top hat.

 7.  What does the soup seller's sign say, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

"Prime Pea Soup and a Thick Slice of Bread 1 1/2 D."

 8.  What does "D" mean, in Question 7, above?


 9.  What are the first and last names of the soup seller, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Tom Jenkins.

10.  What does the soup seller promise to provide for Scrooge, and how often, for how long, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

A serving of soup, every night, for a year.

Quiz and Answers by William Mortensen Vaughan

Answers to Quiz 4 on Scrooge (1970), Starring Albert Finney

  1.  In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, a shopkeeper tells a patron that the vintage of a certain year was the best in a certain number of years; what year does the shopkeeper refer to, and, in reality, how did that vintage compare to others?

The shopkeeper states that the vintage of 1846 was the best in twenty years. This film takes place in 1860, so this fictitious shopkeeper was referring to the years between 1840 and 1860. In reality, according to:

"With regard to Burgundy, 1846 was "[a]n unparalleled year as far as quality is concerned. The wine is almost too strong to drink... [I]t compared with 1811, 1822, and 1825. A good yield and a good price..."

That webpage also indicates that the two "best wines of the 1846 vintage" were:

1     Lafite-Rothschild     Tb 95     Château Lafite-Rothschild of Bordeaux, France
2            Grand Brut     Tb 83     Perrier-Jouët of Champagne, France

According to

a wine with a Tb (barrel tasting) rating of 95-100 is considered "Classic: a great wine."

 2.  In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, a shopkeeper tells a patron that the vintage of a certain year was the best in a certain number of years; what year does the shopkeeper refer to, and, in reality, how much does one of the best bottles of wine from that vintage cost (as of 2021)?

According to

as of March 4, 2021, a bottle of
1846 Château Lafite-Rothschild costs
$15,174 U.S. Dollars.

 3.  According to the sign over the store windows, who sells Bob his Christmas pudding, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Jas. Crocker

 4.  According to another sign, what else, besides pudding, does the man sell, who sells Bob his Christmas pudding, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

"Splendid Christmas Cakes" and "Mincemeat."

 5.  What is unusual about the visit from the gentlemen seeking a charitable donation from Scrooge, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

They approach him outside his office, as Scrooge is locking the door.

 6.  What does the sign say, in the hands of one of the gentlemen seeking a charitable donation from Scrooge, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

"Widows and Orphans."

 7.  According to a sign, what are candles made of, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Tallow; the sign says, "Tallow Candles."

 8.  What song does Scrooge sing, as he goes around collecting debts, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

"I Hate People."

 9.  How much money does Scrooge attempt to collect from a pair of ladies, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Two Pounds five Shillings.

10.  What do the ladies mentioned in Question 9, above, give Scrooge?

A pair of socks.

Quiz and Answers by William Mortensen Vaughan

Answers to Quiz 3 on Scrooge (1970), Starring Albert Finney

  1.  In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, what weapon does Scrooge brandish, when the boys sing a Christmas carol in front of his office?

A coal shovel.

 2.  How much money does Bob claim he spends on a bird for Christmas dinner, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

One Shilling and ten Pence.

 3.  What is the price of apples, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Six apples for one Pence.

 4.  What does Tiny Tim's sister repeatedly say that she wants, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

"That dolly in the corner."

 5.  What does Tiny Tim say that he would rather have than a toy, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?


 6.  In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, a shopkeeper tells a patron that the vintage of a certain year was the best in a certain number of years; what year does he say was the best vintage, in how many years?

The shopkeeper states that the vintage of 1846 was the best in twenty years.

 7.  By what name does the shopkeeper address the patron mentioned in Question 6, above?

Mr. Bisset.

 8.  How much money per how much volume does the liquor for Christmas punch cost that Bob buys, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Two Pence per pint.

 9.  In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, a shopkeeper has a sign in his window which advertizes "Splendid Christmas Cakes" in what price range?

From two Shillings and six Pence to four Shillings per cake.

10.  How much money does Bob claim he spends on a Christmas pudding, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Four Pence.

Quiz and Answers by William Mortensen Vaughan

Answers to Quiz 2 on Scrooge (1970), Starring Albert Finney

  1.  According to Scrooge, how many children does Scrooge say that Bob has, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?


 2.  According to one of the street vendors, how many children does Bob have, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?


 3.  What does the sign say, which belongs to the street vendor who states how many children Bob has, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

"Mystery Presents 4 for a Shilling."

 4.  What deal does the street vendor who states how many children Bob has, give Bob, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

He lets Bob have five "Mystery Presents" for a Shilling.

 5.  What is the name of the girl who goes shopping with Bob and Tiny Tim, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?


 6.  How many boys are seen at Bob's table, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?


 7.  How many girls are seen at Bob's table, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?


 8.  How many boys and girls does Bob have, in the original novel, A Christmas Carol?

Three boys and three girls. The four oldest are named Martha, Peter, Belinda, and Tiny Tim; the first names of Bob's youngest boy and girl are not specified.

 9.  What are the first names of Tiny Tim's siblings, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Only Tiny Tim's first name and Kathy's, are specified, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol; the first names of their three siblings are not specified.

10.  What song do Bob, Tiny Tim, and one of Tim's sisters sing while they go shopping, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

"Christmas Children"

Quiz and Answers by William Mortensen Vaughan

Answers to Quiz 1 on Scrooge (1970), Starring Albert Finney

  1.  When and where was this film first released?

November 5, 1970, in Los Angeles, California.

 2.  When and where does this film's opening scene take place?

Christmas Eve, 1860, in London, England

 3.  What song is heard during this film's opening credits?

"Sing a Christmas Carol"

 4.  At what time does Fred enter Scrooge's office, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

At approximately 6:55 p.m.

 5.  At what time does Bob leave Scrooge's office, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

7:00 p.m.

 6.  At what time does Scrooge leave Scrooge's office, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

At approximately 8:10 p.m.

 7.  What song do the boys sing to people for money, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

"Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!"

 8.  What song do the boys sing to Scrooge, to taunt him, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

"Father Christmas"

 9.  In the song that the boys sing to Scrooge, to taunt him, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, they warn that, if you leave your door unlocked, Scrooge will do something evil; what do they say he'll do?

He'll let himself in, and sell the place.

10.  How much does Scrooge pay Bob, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Fifteen Shillings per week.

Quiz and Answers by William Mortensen Vaughan

Quiz 1 on Scrooge (1970), Starring Albert Finney

 1.  When and where was this film first released?

 2.  When and where does this film's opening scene take place?

 3.  What song is heard during this film's opening credits?

 4.  At what time does Fred enter Scrooge's office, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

 5.  At what time does Bob leave Scrooge's office, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

 6.  At what time does Scrooge leave Scrooge's office, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

 7.  What song do the boys sing to people for money, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

 8.  What song do the boys sing to Scrooge, to taunt him, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

 9.  In the song that the boys sing to Scrooge, to taunt him, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, they warn that, if you leave your door unlocked, Scrooge will do something evil; what do they say he'll do?

10.  How much does Scrooge pay Bob, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Answers were published March 8, 2021.

Quiz by William Mortensen Vaughan