Title: Rich Little's Christmas Carol
Adaptation: Starring Rich Little, impersonating various celebrities as the cast, including: W.C. Fields as Ebenezer Scrooge; Paul Lynde as Bob Cratchit; Humphrey Bogart as Fred C. Dobbs, as the Ghost of Christmas Past; Peter Falk as Columbo, as the Ghost of Christmas Present; Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau, as the Ghost of Christmas Yet-to-Come; Richard Nixon as Jacob Marley; Truman Capote as Tiny Tim; Groucho Marx as Fezziwig; Jean Stapleton, as Edith Bunker, as Mrs. Cratchit; Johnny Carson as Nephew Fred; Jimmy Stewart as Dick Wilkins; John Wayne, James Mason, and George Burns as Businessmen; Jack Benny as the Boy Outside the Window; and Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy as Charity Solicitors
Dates and Places of Earliest Release: SUN, 17 DEC 1978 Canada
DEC 1978 U.S.A.
Format Reviewed: live-action film, on DVD
Runtime: 50 minutes
As of January 19, 2021, two copies of this film were available online, on VHS, for approximately $190 U.S. Dollars, including tax, shipping and handling!
Is this adaptation reverent?
This adaptation is both reverent and irreverent. It shows Scrooge sincerely repenting and even giving up alcohol. However, I cannot recommend it, in good faith, to general audiences, because it includes scenes in which Mr. Fezziwig sexually harasses his female employees at "A Typical Office Party."
Does this adaptation mention "God" or "Christ"?
Does this adaptation include the phrase "God bless us...?"
Yes. When Mrs. Cratchit asks someone to say "grace," Tiny Tim says, "God bless us, everyone!"
What does my wife think of this adaptation?
She thinks it's one of the most uniquely entertaining adaptations of A Christmas Carol that she's ever seen, even though she doesn't usually like comedy or musicals.
Where and when does this adaptation take place?This adaptation is a musical, comedic fantasy, in which time and place are less relevant than the jokes, songs, and impersonations. Although the set and wardrobe usually tends to portray Victorian England, Richard Nixon and reel-to-reel tape appear as Jacob Marley and his chains, making jokes about Watergate, even though these are all Twentieth Century phenomenons.
What language and/or dialects are used?
Canadian English
How closely does this adaptation follow the original novel, by Charles Dickens?This adaptation follows the original novel somewhat, with numerous, interesting twists, the bulk of which involve Rich Little playing famous people (historical and fictitious) playing the main roles.
To start with, Rich Little plays W.C. Fields, as Ebenezer Scrooge, who is in "the boat and bottle business," with Bob Cratchit, played by Rich Little playing Paul Lynde.
Jacob Marley is played by Rich Little as Richard Nixon, with reel-to-reel tape all over him, instead of chains.
Tiny Tim is played by Rich Little as Truman Capote, as an adult midget version of Tiny Tim who is not lame, but merely wishes to become a novelist.
Belle never appears, nor is she ever mentioned.
All of the Ghosts of Christmas are famous, fictitious detectives in trench coats: Columbo (Peter Falk), Fred C. Dobbs (Humphrey Bogart), Inspector Clouseau (Peter Sellers), as the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future, respectively.
In this adaptation, Ebenezer Scrooge reforms, and perhaps the most obvious reformation is that he goes from being an alcoholic to a teetotaler who sips buttermilk instead of booze.
Is this adaptation a prequel or a sequel? No.
Is this adaptation supernatural? Yes. It includes ghosts and time travel.
Is this adaptation "framed"?
Yes, by a narrator.
Is this adaptation a musical?
What songs and/or dances are included?
This adaptation includes several unique songs: "The Merriest Christmas Yet," "Typical Office Party," and "It's Better to Give Than Receive (No One's Ever Going to Get a Cent From Me)."
How attractive and effective is the visual art?
The set, wardrobe, architecture, and art are good. Especially entertaining is the bar which can be lowered over Scrooge's bed so that he can serve himself a drink without getting up.
How creative and intense are the transitions, especially when "the Scrooge" is taken from one time and/or place to another?
The transitions are adequate.
What aerial and/or nap-of-the-earth footage is included? N/A
What use is made of background extras?
There seem to be plenty of extras, especially at Fezziwig and Fred's Christmas parties.
What is the most remarkable thing about this adaptation?
The most remarkable thing about this adaptation is Rich Little's ability to impersonate so many celebrities playing various roles in A Christmas Carol.
What extras are included on the tape or DVD?
This DVD contains an audio commentary track by the Director, Trevor Evans. It also contains a similar film, Robin Hood, with an audio commentary track.
Review by William Mortensen Vaughan