Title: "Bewitched": "Humbug Not to Be Spoken Here"
Adaptation: Starring Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha Stevens, and Charles Lane as Jessie Mortimer, "the Scrooge."Dates and Places of Earliest Release:
TUE, 21 DEC 1967 U.S.A.
Format Reviewed: live-action T.V. episode, on VHS
Runtime: 30 minutes
As of February 19, 2021, copies of Season 4 of this series, on DVD, are available, online, for approximately $15 U.S. Dollars.
Is this adaptation reverent?
No, this adaptation is not particularly reverent. It includes Santa Claus, and panders to commercialism.
Does this adaptation mention "God" or "Christ"? No.
Does this adaptation include the phrase "God bless us...?" No.
What does my wife think of this adaptation?
She think it's one of the "dumbest shows" she has ever seen.
Where and when does this adaptation take place?
The U.S.A., circa 1970.
What language and/or dialects are used?
American English
How closely does this adaptation follow the original novel, by Charles Dickens?This adaptation does not follow the original novel very closely. The scene is set when Darrin's boss
(Dick York and David White, respectively) tries to impress Jessie
Mortimer (Charles Lane) enough to win a $500,000 contract by having
Darrin work late on Christmas Eve. Darrin refuses, and loses the contract.
Darrin's wife, who puts the "witch" in "Bewitched," pays Mr. Mortimer a visit in his bedroom on Christmas Eve, identifying herself to him as a witch, and taking him, on a broomstick decorated for Christmas, to visit her friend in the North Pole, Santa Claus (Don Beddoe).
Then Santa takes them for a ride in his sleigh, as he delivers Christmas presents. He shows Mr. Mortimer how happy his employee, Hawkins (Martin Ashe) is, even though he's poor.
The next day, Mr. Mortimer appears at Darrin's front door with a Christmas present and an apology.
Darrin's wife, who puts the "witch" in "Bewitched," pays Mr. Mortimer a visit in his bedroom on Christmas Eve, identifying herself to him as a witch, and taking him, on a broomstick decorated for Christmas, to visit her friend in the North Pole, Santa Claus (Don Beddoe).
Then Santa takes them for a ride in his sleigh, as he delivers Christmas presents. He shows Mr. Mortimer how happy his employee, Hawkins (Martin Ashe) is, even though he's poor.
The next day, Mr. Mortimer appears at Darrin's front door with a Christmas present and an apology.
Is this adaptation a prequel or a sequel? No.
Is this adaptation supernatural?
Yes, this film features witchcraft, magic, and Santa Claus.
Is this adaptation "framed"? No.
Is this adaptation "framed"? No.
Is this adaptation a musical? No.
What songs and/or dances are included?
Music by Warren Barker...
How attractive and effective is the visual art?
How attractive and effective is the visual art?
The set, wardrobe, and art are adequate.
How creative and intense are the transitions, especially when "the Scrooge" is taken from one time and/or place to another?
How creative and intense are the transitions, especially when "the Scrooge" is taken from one time and/or place to another?
The transitions are poorly done. The characters look stiff during the broomstick and sleigh flights, as if sitting still while snow is blown past them with a fan.
What aerial and/or nap-of-the-earth footage is included?
Yes. (See above.)
What use is made of background extras?
Little use, if any, is made of background extras.
What is the most remarkable thing about this adaptation?
The most remarkable thing about this adaptation is, perhaps, how
much emphasis is placed on Santa Claus, and how little emphasis is
placed on Mortimer and Hawkins. Mortimer's cold heart is turned, just
by seeing Hawkins playing happily with his wife and child, even though he's poor.
What bonus material is included on the tape or DVD? N/A