1. In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, what is the first song the orphans sing when "the Scrooge" returns their piano?
2. In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, what is the second song the orphans sing when "the Scrooge" returns their piano?
3. In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, "the Scrooge" adopts a boy from the orphanage; what are his first and last names?
4. In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, where does "the Scrooge" intend to put the orphan he adopts, to work?
5. According to his wife, at what time is dinner served at "the Fezziwig's" home, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?
6. In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, after "the Marley" visits "the Scrooge," what was "the Scrooge's" first clue that he was going back in time?
7. Who was the President of the United States during the opening scene of this film?
8. In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, who does Mr. Reeves' radio identify as the President of the United States?
9. In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, what two historic events does "the Scrooge" hear about, on Mr. Reeves' radio?
10. In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, what did "the Scrooge" do to Mr. Reeves' radio?
Answers were published March 2, 2021.
Quiz by William Mortensen Vaughan