1. According to Marley, why does he welcome Scrooge to Hell, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?
2. According to Scrooge, where did Scrooge hope he would end up, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?
3. According to Marley, what is to be Scrooge's job, in Hell, and why, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?
4. What does Marley warn Scrooge about, in Hell, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?
5. According to Marley, what is unusual about Scrooge's office, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?
6. According to Marley, what is unusual about Scrooge's chain, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?
7. How many men carry Scrooge's chain to him, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?
8. What is the difference between Marley's chain and Scrooge's, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?
9. What do the men who carry Scrooge's chain look like, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?
10. What does Scrooge find around his neck, when he wakes up from the nightmare described above, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?
Answers were published March 23, 2021.
Quiz by William Mortensen Vaughan