Monday, March 8, 2021

Answers to Quiz 6 on Scrooge (1970), Starring Albert Finney

  1.  What does the soup seller ask Scrooge for, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Two extra weeks to pay his debt to Scrooge.

 2.  How much extra time does Scrooge give the soup seller, to pay his debt, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

One extra week.

 3.  How much money does the soup seller owe Scrooge give, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

The amount is not specified; whatever the amount is, Scrooge agrees to postpone collecting it for a week, in exchange for a serving of soup, every night, for a year.

 4.  In this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, a woman's voice is heard, as Scrooge approaches the soup seller to collect his debt; what does the woman offer?

"Sweet lavender!"

 5.  What is unusual about Scrooge's door knocker, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

It whispers Scrooge's name, "Scrooooge!"

 6.  What does Scrooge hear, when a cloud of smoke suddenly pours out of his fireplace, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

He hears Marley calling his name, "Scrooooge!"

 7.  What does Scrooge do, when he hears Marley approaching, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

He fastens the bolts on the door to his chambers.

 8.  How does Marley enter Scrooge's chambers, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

As if by telekinesis, the bolts are drawn, and the key is turned in the lock; then the door opens, and he walks through it as if he were a mortal man.

 9.  When Scrooge tells Marley to sit down, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol, what does Marley do?

He gestures toward an easy chair, causing it to slide toward him, as if by telekinesis; then he sits beside it, as if on an invisible chair.

10.  What is unusual about the way that Marley shows Scrooge other ghosts, outside, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Marley wraps the end of his chain around Scrooge's right wrist, then takes his arms, and flies with him through the window, which opens by itself, as if by telekinesis.

Quiz and Answers by William Mortensen Vaughan

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