Thursday, March 4, 2021

Quiz 2 on Scrooge (1970), Starring Albert Finney

  1.  According to Scrooge, how many children does Scrooge say that Bob has, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

 2.  According to one of the street vendors, how many children does Bob have, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

 3.  What does the sign say, which belongs to the street vendor who states how many children Bob has, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

 4.  What deal does the street vendor who states how many children Bob has, give Bob, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

 5.  What is the name of the girl who goes shopping with Bob and Tiny Tim, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

 6.  How many boys are seen at Bob's table, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

 7.  How many girls are seen at Bob's table, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

 8.  How many boys and girls does Bob have, in the original novel, A Christmas Carol?

 9.  What are the first names of Tiny Tim's siblings, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

10.  What song do Bob, Tiny Tim, and one of Tim's sisters sing while they go shopping, in this adaptation of A Christmas Carol?


Answers were published March 8, 2021.

Quiz by William Mortensen Vaughan

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