Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Christmas Carol (1949), Narrated by Vincent Price: Review by William Mortensen Vaughan

 TitleThe Christmas Carol

AdaptationStarring Vincent Price as the Narrator, and Taylor Holmes as  Ebenezer Scrooge

Dates and Places of Earliest Release:  
SUN, 25 DEC 1945 U.S.A.
My Rating** (Substandard - Black and White/Low Budget)

Format Reviewed
live-action film, on DVD
Runtime:  25 minutes
As of February 9, 2021, copies of this film, on DVD/VHS, are available, online, for approximately $10 U.S. Dollars.

Is this adaptation reverent? 
Yes, it includes enough of the hymn "God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen" to mention Baby Jesus' birth.

Does this adaptation mention "God" or "Christ"?
(Yes. See above and below.)
Does this adaptation include the phrase "God bless us...?" 
Yes, Vincent Price quotes Tiny Tim as saying "God bless us, everyone!"

What does my wife think of
this adaptation?
She thinks it is one of the worst adaptations of A Christmas Carol.

Where and when does this adaptation take place?
Victorian England
What language and/or dialects are used?  
American English

How closely does this adaptation follow the original novel, by Charles Dickens?
This adaptation follows the original novel fairly well.  Ebeneezer [sic] receives a visit from his nephew Fred, in his office Christmas Eve.  Fred refers to his wife as "Caroline," although, in the original novel, Caroline is the poor woman who was relieved when her husband informed her that Scrooge was dead.  No portly gentlemen arrive to collect donations.  

After releasing Bob Cratchit, as Scrooge departs from his office, carolers are heard singing "The First Noel," but none of them appear.  Later, when the Ghost of Christmas Present shows Scrooge himself as a schoolboy, Scrooge says he regrets not giving
anything to a boy who was singing Christmas carols that day, presumably referring to one of the carolers.

There is no sliding on ice, but the Narrator does mention Scrooge having dinner at his "usual, melancholy tavern."

The Ghost of Jacob Marley appears to Scrooge in his private quarters, but does not show him the other ghosts in chains.

Then the Ghost of Christmas Past appears as an old man wrapped in what appear to be bed sheets.  He shows Scrooge himself as a schoolboy, but not the arrival of Fan; nor is she mentioned.  Neither is Mr. Fezziwig mentioned, but the Ghost asks Scrooge if he should show him the time his fiancée broke off their engagement to be married.

The Ghost of Christmas Present looks like a young man in a robe.  He shows Scrooge the Cratchits celebrating Christmas in their home.  Tiny Tim says, "God bless us, everyone!"  Then, after a brief conversation between Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present, thunder claps and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come appears.  No mention of Fred's Christmas party is made.

The Ghost of Christmas Future looks like an old man in black bed sheets.  He shows the Cratchits mourning for Tiny Tim.  Then he shows Scrooge four businessmen talking about his demise.  Finally, he shows Scrooge his tombstone.

Scrooge wakes up in his private quarters on Christmas morning.  He has a conversation with a boy outside his window, but does not send him to fetch anything.  Instead, he goes out on his own.

Fred and Scrooge visit Bob on Christmas Day, bringing them a large bird to cook, and other presents.  Scrooge mentions having met a surgeon at church that day, to whom he promises to take Tiny Tim.
Is this adaptation a prequel or a sequel?  No.

Is this adaptation supernatural? 
Yes, this film features ghosts and time travel.

Is this adaptation "framed"?  Yes, it is framed by Vincent Price narrating it, while sitting with what appears to be a hard copy of A Christmas Carol, in the comfort of what appears to be his home.

Is this adaptation a musical?  No.
What songs and/or dances are included?  
Music by The Robert Mitchell Boy Choir; Edward Paul, Director... See above.

How attractive and effective is the visual art?  
The wardrobe and set are barely adequate.  All scenes are indoors.

How creative and intense are the transitions, especially when "the Scrooge" is taken from one time and/or place to another?
The transitions are poorly done; they consist of the Ghosts motioning for Scrooge to follow them in dark rooms, and pointing; then the camera cuts to another scene or shot.  Outdoor scenes are noticeably absent.
What aerial and/or nap-of-the-earth footage is included?  N/A
What use is made of background extras?  
Inadequate use is made of background extras, which makes this film seem low budget.

What is the most remarkable thing about this adaptation? 
The most remarkable thing about this adaptation is, perhaps, the narration by Vincent Price.  His portrait is on the cover of the DVD, and on the DVD itself.  He gets top billing, and rightly so, in my opinion.  I would rather watch him read and/or narrate the entire book than endure the poor footage sprinkled between the scenes of him narrating this adaptation. It should have been filmed with him alone, and titled A Vincent Price Christmas Carol.
What bonus material is included on the tape or DVD? 
No bonus material is included on this DVD. When I put it in my BluRay player, it begins playing automatically, and the "Menu" button on my remote control doesn't work. Pressing "Stop" causes a message to appear which informs me that I can press "Play" to continue playing the video from the current location, or "Stop," then "Play," to start playing the video from the beginning. Pressing "Stop" causes the BluRay player's splash screen to appear.

Review by William Mortensen Vaughan

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